Hello! This is where we keep our Privacy Policy.
Our Privacy Policy was last updated on Jun 26th, 2020.

About Us

At Plus Studio, our website ( is just for parents, while our apps are designed for the whole family, including young children with parent supervision. We take privacy seriously at Plus Studio and this policy is designed to share what information we collect and how we use it.

Plus Studio may change or update the Privacy Policy at any time as we add new or different features, or as the law changes. Unless another date is given, the changes are effective upon posting. If we make a material change to this policy we will post notice here before making the change and if we have your parent email address we will contact you to tell you about the changes. Thus, you should review the Privacy Policy frequently. This Privacy Policy is also part of the Terms of Service that explain your rights and responsibilities and Plus Studio’s when using Plus Studio’s services and sites. If you don’t agree with this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Service, you should not use the sites and services. If you have any questions please contact us at

Children’s Privacy

There are no third-party ads in our apps. And we do not collect anything that is personally identifiable in our apps for children.

We may collect your unique device identifier, IP address, mobile phone carrier, game progress, time spent playing, and achievements. This information is for internal use only and can’t be shared. It’s just for us to help us improve our services for you. We do not give out any nonpersonal information to anybody outside our company.

We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

Our website and mobile applications comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”). We don’t knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13, and if in the event that a user identifies himself or herself as a child under the age of 13 through a support request or through any feedback, we will not collect, store or use, and will delete in a secure manner, any personal information of such user.

If you have any questions about our collection and use please contact us at

General Privacy

What Kind of Information is Collected?
There are two types of data that may be collected:

The first one is called personal data. This is personally identifiable information that identifies a user as an individual. Plus Studio may collect personal data that parents voluntarily provide on the website and mobile applications.

The second type is non personal data which doesn’t directly identify an individual or which may have been personal information but has had the personally identifiable information removed. Plus Studio may collect non personal information about the use of the website and apps to help us improve our services.

We use Support Information only for the support for the internal operations of our website and mobile apps as provided under Section 312.2 of the COPPA rules effective July 1, 2013. We don’t rent or sell your email address.

More About Personal Data

We collect personal data when a parent makes a purchase through our website, subscribes to a newsletter or alert, or requests technical support. This data may include a name (screen or nickname), gender, birth date, email address, mailing or shipping address, telephone number, and payment information.

This information may be used to provide services and the sites to you, to process and fulfill your orders, to contact parents about their orders and new services and features and to send push notifications if consent to receive them has been given. If you contact us for help we will only use your email address to reply to your question. Please note that if a parent posts personal information about themselves in a community forum or blog in the parent section, in addition to being collected, this data is made public for others to see. The parent is responsible for the disclosure of any such data in those forums.

More about Non Personal Data

We may use cookies and web beacons to help deliver and analyze our services (e.g., by counting the number of times a page or advert has been viewed).

Plus Studio may also use third parties from time to time to deliver a service to parents only, such as payment processing, sending emails, infrastructure and IT services, or helping with customer or technical support. We only work with companies that follow this privacy policy and agree not to use your information for any other purposes. If you’d like more information on this, please contact us at

A Word About What We Might Disclose

As you can see, we collect minimal personal data, and some nonpersonal data for internal use only or in conjunction with third parties to help us operate, analyze, and improve our sites and services.

In addition, we may disclose your personal or nonpersonal information to additional parties if we believe we are required to by law, by a judicial proceeding, to protect Plus Studio’s rights and properties, or to investigate fraud, intellectual property infringement, and any other conduct that might be illegal or expose Plus Studio or a user of its services to legal liability.

Parents may disclose information about themselves by posting in the public forums on the site. Plus Studio is not responsible for what parents say and post in these sections.


We use Google Analytics Advertising Features to better understand the use of our website for parents. These features include Remarketing, Impression reporting, integration with DoubleClick and Demographic & Interest reporting. They use cookies and anonymous identifiers to collect information and help target advertising.

We do not combine this information with any personally identifiable information you may have submitted when signing up to a newsletter for example. Our systems do not recognize browser “Do Not Track” signals; but, you can opt out of Google Analytics by visiting:

You can also configure your browser to accept or reject cookies. All browsers are different so go to the help section of your browser to find out how to do this.


Plus Studio uses generally accepted security measures and safeguards in an attempt to keep the data it collects secure and requires that the third parties it works with agree to do the same. The measures and safeguards include limiting access to the data to those persons who need it to complete their work for Magicbook, using a fire-wall protected environment, and storing personal information in secure operating environments. That said, Plus Studio cannot and does not guarantee and does not accept liability for unintentional disclosure.

Data Retention

User data is retained as long as it is necessary to provide the service. Data is deleted from our records when it is no longer needed within a reasonable timeframe.

How to Update or Remove Your Information

Plus Studio keeps your content for as long as necessary in providing its services. If you want to opt out of services, or review or delete your information, please contact us at

If you have a concern about our handling of your personal information, please get in contact with us first so we can try to resolve your query. If however, you feel we have not dealt with your concern and that we are failing to meet our legal obligations, you can report this to your local data protection regulator.

Those rights include:

Right of access. You have a right to know what information we hold about you and in some cases to have the information communicated to you. If you wish to exercise this right please contact us letting us know that you wish to exercise your right of access and what information in particular you would like to receive. We reserve the right to ask for reasonable evidence to verify your identity before we provide you with any information. Please note that we may not be able to provide all the information you ask for, for instance if the information includes personal information about another person. Where we are not able to provide you with information that you have asked for, we will endeavour to tell you why.

Right to correct personal information. We try to keep the information that we hold about you accurate and up to date. Should you realise that any of the information that we hold about you is incorrect, please let us know at and we will correct it as soon as we can.

Data deletion. In some circumstances you have a right to have some of the personal information that we hold about you deleted. Should you wish to have any information about you deleted, please Contact Us using the information below. Please note that in order to process your request you must delete our games from your mobile devices and clear our cookies from any device where you have played our games in a web browser. Where we delete personal information about you, we may still retain some or all of that information for other purposes such as maintaining financial records, protecting or enforcing legal rights, maintaining marketing suppression lists or for technical reasons such as maintaining technical security or our database integrity. We may also retain your information in an anonymised form. In some instances, personal information about you that is visible through gameplay such as username, avatar, your high scores and any chat messages may be cached on other players’ devices and we may not be able to remove or update that data from those devices, for example if that device is not connected to a wifi network.